Is impotence curable?

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection, which is necessary for sexual intercourse. In most cases, the disease is based on vascular pathologies, neurological, psychological and hormonal disorders. Also, the disease can be triggered by taking a number of medications.

This pathology primarily affects the reproductive function of a man and his psychological state. Therefore, if the first signs of erectile dysfunction appear, you should immediately contact a specialist, since the start of therapy at an early stage of the disease avoids complications.

Disease classification

Erectile dysfunction (or ED) can be divided into:

  • psychogenic (about 40% of cases);
  • organic (up to 30% of cases);
  • mixed (about 25% of cases);
  • without an exact reason (approximately 5%).

Whatever causes the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, each condition requires a detailed examination, identification of the exact cause of the pathology and proper treatment.

For reasons of occurrence, erectile dysfunction is:

  • primary (a man has never been able to achieve an erection);
  • secondary (acquired during life).

Impotence of the primary type almost always occurs against the background of psychological factors or anatomical disorders.

The secondary form of pathology develops in 90% of cases, has an organic etiology. In most men, psychological disorders quickly develop against the background of the disorder, which aggravate the disease.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

The causes of erectile dysfunction that are not associated with physiological disorders in the male reproductive organs can be:

  • fear, depression, anxiety, severe stress;
  • situational psychological problems related to place, time and partner;
  • vascular pathologies (most often atherosclerosis);
  • neurological diseases (stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, neuropathy, spinal cord injury);
  • taking drugs, alcohol, smoking;
  • taking medications of certain groups;
  • previous injuries and operations in the groin area, pelvic organs;
  • endocrine disorders (metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus);
  • aging associated with a lack of testosterone;
  • overweight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • pronounced beriberi;
  • anorexia;
  • painful sexual intercourse (both the patient and his partner can experience pain);
  • taking psychotropic substances;
  • taking anti-cancer drugs;
  • prolonged absence of sexual intercourse;
  • adverse external influences (chemical, radiation).