Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (or also called ” impotence”) – an erection failure, during which the rigidity, shape and volume of the man’s penis do not allow him to have sexual intercourse. For the representatives of the stronger sex, problems with potency prevent not only full-fledged sexual activity, but also damage their mental state. Often, erectile dysfunction is associated with a number of other diseases or mental disorders, and is less common as an autonomous ailment. Only in Ukraine from 2 to 4 million men suffer from this disease.

Treatment of impotence is, first of all, the correct diagnosis of the causes of its occurrence. There are two major types of causes that cause impotence:

  • organic – in this case, erectile dysfunction is caused by physiological abnormalities in the body, that is, nerve endings, blood vessels, the hormonal system, which are responsible for the formation and
  • maintenance of an erection, do not fully perform their functions;
  • psychogenic (functional) – due to previous unsuccessful sexual intercourse, inappropriate behavior of a woman during intercourse or a man’s desire to control his erection;
  • such reasons lead to an unstable erection against the background of a preserved spontaneous, nocturnal erection. When foreplay occurs,
  • the erection is sufficient for sexual intercourse, but when you try to commit it, the excitement disappears.

Such disorders in the medical community are often referred to as sexual failure anxiety syndrome. Ultimately, a violation of potency provokes depression, neurosis and sexual failure.

Among all the reasons leading to the loss of male power, we can distinguish:

  • general diseases of the body (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hormonal disorders, etc.);
  • acquired diseases of the genital organs;
  • congenital pathology or injuries and surgical interventions on the organs of the male reproductive system;
  • Peyronie’s disease;
  • drug use or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes;
  • chronic intoxication with psychotropic and other medicinal substances;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

You can increase potency by eliminating the causes of erectile dysfunction and curing concomitant diseases.


To improve potency, you need to seek professional help from an appropriate specialist – a sex therapist – as he will be able to correctly diagnose the causes of the problem (psychogenic or organic) and prescribe an effective treatment method.

It is worth noting that in the treatment of impotence, it is the first consultation with a sexologist that is important, since it is at this moment that trusting relationships are formed between the doctor and the patient, which are the key to a successful result in the form of increased potency.

Quite often, to identify the root of the problem, the presence of a partner is required, which will help a man get rid of internal fears, relax and regain self-confidence.

Modern medicine has ample opportunities and methods for the treatment of psychogenic and organic erectile dysfunction. Among them:

  • medical or psychotherapeutic treatment;
  • method of intracavernous injections of vasoactive drugs;
  • surgical treatment of arterial or venous insufficiency;
  • implantation of penile prostheses, etc.

Implantation of penile prostheses is necessary in 10% of cases of potency disorders, when all other methods fail.

How to increase the potency know the specialists of the medical center “Androcenter”. In the clinic you can get qualified advice, undergo diagnostics and treatment. “Androcenter” has everything necessary for the successful solution of a delicate problem: experienced and tactful staff, modern equipment, high-quality medicines. We will help you restore harmony and self-confidence!